Rush Limbaugh says the anthem protests are a left-wing attack on the National Football league

Dave Berkson
   The NFL is in trouble as poll after poll shows American citizens angered at the reaction to the singing of the national anthem by over-paid hateful Black Lives Matter More supporters in the league. Rush Limbaugh predicted this for years on his award-winning national syndicated radio program and the idea of these rich blockers and tacklers protesting anything in America as they have live such a easy financial scam life is unbelievable in may circles of people who have long followed this league. Rush Limbaugh has aid these socialist attacks on American football and embarrassment to owners have long been in coming especially given the labor situation where these silly black bastards expect to be paid in the arena of baseball and basketball athletes despite the fact these clowns only play eight home games for the owners.
Rush had a caller named Dan who informed the shy Rush that it was Limbaugh two or three years ago predicted that the left is going after football and wishes to destroy it and will employ a unique protest strategy to make the league loo bad for the general public. The anthem protests are one part Rush Limbaugh believes is the way liberals are going after the institution of american football long a national unify and topic of interest for men in all regions to talk about especially those who serve in uniform.
The National Football League also should never of allowed their players not be 80 percent black and you cannot tell me that six percent of the population is this superior in sports to be that amount of any sport league without officials trying to dictate the game and look of it as a brand. I have always been surprised how willing America was to embrace these sports that have players who don't look like them and clearly one would never see China, Japan, or other lands have sports leagues where a different race dominates the roster and hopefully this is the beginning of the end for all sport leagues and the role they play in our economy siphoning off money that should of been directed to workers of product and not the advertisement of it.

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