Sam Sedar praises Jimmy Kimmel as a great political ally and speak and Sam considers a presidential run in 2020

Dwight Dwyer
Bad podcaster Sam Sedar wason his majority Report podcast praising Jimmy Kimmel for exposing some Republican politician on health care and Sam Sedar has had many recent programs on perserving Obamacare. Jimmey Kimmel and Stephan Colbert have basically become paid late night hacks for the Democratic party and the real concern of Republicans dismantling and replacing the crooked crony and foreign dominated take over of the the health care system in America has been a issue Sam Sedar has had to deal with in recent weeks. Sam Sedar also was a bit defensive of reports from academics that highly educate elites, such as himself, use their family and connections to only mate and date with each other thus ensuring the educational domination of the economy and plutocratic gains to spread in western society.
This fact produced by Charles Murray was attacked by jerk fuck like Sam Sedar as it best explains how liberal progressive values and ideals dominate the urban educated and media circles in society and this self-selection marriage styles have done more to spread a division in society and inequality like no other leading to middle-class america to sway to a Donald Trump against the obvious picture board of Charles Murray's and others ideas of how the academics dominate culture and politics. SAM Sedar was so angered by this report as it likely is how he met his wife and was able to produce e a family and indeed to advantages of family life is becoming more and more only an option to those attending prestigious schools and thus earn their partners love and faithfulness to stay base mainly on economic means and advantages over others outside this arrangement.
Sam Sedar is a bad comedian and pod caster who realizes his bad propaganda and lack of talent cannot go further through the outlets of Ring Of Fire and majority report. Sam Sedar is exploring a political future and may be another liberal progressive non-politician who throws his hat in the ring in 2020 and makign a run against Donald Trump as he hinted and joked about recently on his program. of course Sam couldnt get elected president of Khazaristan and has about as much chance of becoming president as appearing as a sidekick for either Stephan Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel who he kisses their ass on a dialy basis.

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