Lester Yates
Sophia Vergera is an aging actress who looked good at twenty five and has still driven a career from he body through the world of the often visually obsessed Hollywood cartel. Sophia Vergera is a typical globalist achievement form this global industry of Hollywood and recently this disgusting bimbo actress bared her naked frame for Women's health magazine that acclaimed her for still looking good nude at age 45.
The only reason Sophia Vergara has an amazing body at that age is she has had such resources to maintain the frame and lives a stress free life form the over-flated and bogus incomes generated for actors and actresses for their fake news and story line readings that in through it all take real little talent. Beautiful women like Sophia Vergara sleep their way into their roles and stardom and without a doubt this explains Sophia Vergera's success and longevity through the years and having this will and need for power and fame fuels this womans figure driven obsession. Who cares what this aging actress body looks naked and basically Women's Health magazine put her out there naked to fat shame their readers who can't train for two hours five days a week and have to put in that valuable time for minimal wage occupations. Sophia is proud of her figure at age 45 and she can't believe more women do not have comparable bodies and there is no excuse for women in their forties and fifties losing their battle against gravity . Sophia should be happy for her large natural breast and her garrulous way as this has more than anything else paved a way for a high-income occupation form reading bad scripts and able to act bad and get away with it if anyone has ever seen the recent version of the movie Three stooges and her role and acting in this movie. Siophia Vergera is basically a celebrated G rated porn star that through global connections got to pass through the x-rater movie industry but occasionally as with this photo shoot like this magazine cover shows her desire and ability to make the move if financial flows reversed.
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