Professor Jamal Nassar furious that Israel and prime minister Benjamin support a Kurdish state and angry women are kicking Arab ass

Dave Berkson
   Dr Jamal Nassar finally flipped today in his Political Science 101 Middle East politics class as news of Israeli prime minster Benjamin Netanyahu endorsement of a independent Kurdish state sent shockwaves through the cells of this wacky and fake news awful professor at central Illinois University. Jamal said that creating another divisive state in this region has been a goal of European and their elites since the end of World war I so they can corrupt another regime and get paybacks for one another.
Dr Nassar said this has been the goal of all the Eurocrats since the break up of empires and the result is the ever-increasing number of nation states we see in the world today. Nassar says that since the inception of the state of Israel there has been a  conspiracy of the Judeo-Christianity world to divide and conquer the holy lands and now extending a branch and opportunities to the twenty five million mainly tribal Kurds, the Christians see new opportunities for a state sponsored democratic area where Christian missionaries will be given free hands to proselytize and for a shit faced cock like Dr Jamal this is a major problem and concern. Dr Nassar, like mos leftists,  is  a misogynist son of a bitch and the idea of women carrying arms burns the mind ofJamal and most other Arabs around the region.
 The increased freedom and democratization of Kurdistan and Iraq and other countries in this region is a hope for leftist professors like Nassar to see the communists and Islamicists gain in power and freedom and not the other way around where Christian missionaries, or even Hindu or Buddhist practices can now be promoted and nurtured in the Kurdistan regions where any expression that was not from the Koran was met with a hail of bullets or rocks towards the individual.
Freedom and independence is coming for Kurdistan whether Dr Jamal, a fake Christian Palestinian, likes it or not as the brown Dr Nassar is green in jealously that the Kurds played nice and the game with Israel since the sixties instead of being bad terrorists against non-Muslims. As an Arab, Dr Nassar is fearful as horse shit that now the Arabs will see another oppressed people through the centuries of Arab barbarity returning the oppression back. All the treatment Arabs,Christian and Muslim, dealt out to others will be coming to roost and the Kurds may treat Arabs badly as Dr Nassar claims the Jews of Israel are of today.

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