Stephanie Miller's sexy liberal tour comes through Chicago and the lesbian is sure to mention David Duke because she wants him

Clark Kramer
  Stephanie Miller is not sexy but is a liberal comedian who puts material out that is all political as she feels powerful to have an opinion ad have words to use politically in comedy. Stephanie Miller is basically a shill for the Democratic party still so sad and mad that Hillary Clinton is not president of the united stets. she in fact cannot stand this idea or accept it and her comedy sexy liberal tour is another example for fake entertainment acts basically just being used for political leverage and gain. Stephanie Miller is sure to mention and use former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke and somehow tie the fake lie that she has said some four hundred times a month on her radio show being that mr Duke is Donald rump's best friend for life.

The amount of slander and lies this woman says through broadcasts and comedy acts is disgraceful and shows what a corrupt individual and twisted mentally lesbian this woman is in life.One must wonder how often she mentions David Duke and Donald Trump somehow is more politically and if she hates it in her mind that she is extremely attracted and lustful of these older men and this confuses her brain tissues as she has wired herself to be a sexy liberal lesbian for progressive bitches to enjoy. She also is angry that in her fantasies she is determined to think of sexy liberal the image of Duke or Trump appears in her fantasy and she is guilt driven either of her infatuation and desire for being naked with these men or for herself for being such a minister of misinformation and pushing hate over these men and their freedom of speech or views they are entitled to think or say being an American citizen.
The liberal class that despise Trump and his threats to end trade imbalances for the elites of other lands and they will use this effective Klan tool David Duke to somehow put in the id of the public that David Duke is a apart of Trump's team and cabinet which he is clearly not. Stephanie Miller is an evil leftist lesbian liberal and their ability to put out fake propaganda and get vortes for someone so inhumane and evil as Hillary and Bill Clinton should not be over-looked as serious problems for this country.

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