Who cares about Serena Williams mixed baby

Domick D'Souza
    The mainstream media and the Hollywood left have pushed miscegenation for decades and the amount of time spent on ugly black tennis player Serena  Williams and he husband and baby is another case in point. Serena Williams is a trans gendered looking female I am n ot even sure if anyone even bothered to check her true identity. Serena Williams has dominated females tennis through the decades and for this a few people actually care about her but what makes Serena  so loved by the leftist media is the jet black color of her skin tone.
Racism is the reason Serena Williams is so hailed for her achievements that on paper are really not that impressive. Serene dominates a sport few women play on a professional life-long dedication and only pieces of shit racial identity black power pushers like Rolling Stone writer Dave Zirin cares for this ugly she-male. tennis is a sport only followed by perhaps one percent of the upper wealthy one percent in America. Serena Williams only has a White husband because of her tennis fame and clearly her husband ahh some co-founder tech guy form Reddit was smitten by the idea of being married to a beast famous athlete. Serena Williams and her husband and now mutt baby only draw attention because it fits the race mixing narrative of the liberal progressive dominated media and few people in society care for either tennis or the fat black woman who dominates the female version of the sport. Serena Williams and her husband are a joke and this clown likely would of married Oprah Winfrey and her money if given a chance. Serna Williams is ugly but has money and ability to draw cameras and this is why thisRreddit asshole is with thins monkey looking of a woman and one must wonder if this shithead will regret sharing a bed with Serena Williams in a few years.

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