Ben Joravsky bashing the shit out of fuck faces Jeff Bezos,Sidaq Khan Rahm Emanuel

Neil Knight
   Ben Joravsky is one of the lading new voices of the progressive left taking full aim  at the establishment and the Joravsky cannot believe the amount of kiss ass and money being bantered about to get Amazon in locations from Wisconsin to Missouri to Chicago. All these places are competing with one another playing a game of chicken and giving incredible tax breaks to this monopolistic retail killer Jeff Bezos and his Amazon's ability to get hedge fund international investing to set up his empire and then use abuse of governments to fight among each other for this rotten company and its search of headquarters is essentially how Jeff Bezos is able to build his internet company and then use its standing monopolistic position to further erode its tax bills. It is bewildering to see the abuses of getting free stuff Amazon has been able to extract form governments throughout the country as Jeff Bezos continually makes political contacts and agreements through its position and dominance. This global transition has been seen thanks to freebie giving mayors such as Chicago's Rahm Emanuel and Londonstans Paki Sidaq Khan and is why corporate global dominance needs to be fought as companies like Amazon seek their tentacles on all aspect of our lives.
WCPTs amazing and upcoming liberal radio host Ben Joravsky and his snappy producer have been leading a major campaign against the crony capitalism that would reward a psychopath like Jeff Bezos to play cities and regions against each other in this subsidy battle to bring bad jobs to the region where the anti-union and Amazon's massive funding ability is then used to battle in enforcing right to work laws meant to kill unions. Ben has criticized mayor Rahm Emanuel's pandering to this bad company which insists on tax credits and will always dangle the prospect of fake jobs that will never materialize in the data they promise to cities. The whole concept of the tech sector providing jobs instead of being seen as the jobs cutter industrial hub it actually serves for the ultra-wealthy plutocrats. The company Amazon has directly lead to the increase divide between classes sin society and this is the role tech retail giants like Amazon serve for the upper classes seeking to destroy shopping competition for the middle class.
The only jobs that Amazon would provide would be for robots and executives as this is the world Amazon has strived for since its conception as a book seller back in the day as Ben Joravsky points on continually and why an organization like this would be given subsidies and breaks for all the breakdown it has brought to the American economy is only possible through a corrupt company it makes a connection in around American government. Joravsky says these governmental leaders do not excogitate the problems that Amazon's growth has caused  
It is surprising that a far-left progressive is the only one taking on these globalist city-state and region leaders willing to sell out and give even more to the ultra-wealthy as Republicans and conservatives respect and authorize even more the idea of the Jeff Bezos of the world acquiring more assets and monopolistic power .Both connected Republicans and Democrats  seek the tax cuts and subsidies given to big business of which pays and supports itself through unfulfilled promise and destruction of job growth through their eocnomic domination.  Ben Joravsky also says little of how he and Donald Trump are in actual agreement of this anti-Trust exploitation that Amazon has been able to get away with through its moneyed empire in all fields and a growing list of new ventures this giant economic terror engine is able to get itself into and grow even more nefarious and corruptible.

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