Black supremacist Ta-Nehisi Coates called Donald Trump a white supremacist and tells Chris Hayes he considers running against him in 2020

Woody Underwood
 Mainstream media columnist Ta- Nehisi Coats is a globalist writer and critic of president trump because Trumps skin color doesn't match the last president Hussein Obama. Ta Coats was on fellow ultra-radical ultra-liberal and ultra shit head piece of shit Chris Hayes and basically the black supremacist Nehisi Coats called Donald Trump a white supremacist president. Ta Nahisi called Donald Trump the first White president and a white supremacist because Trump dares to challenge the Black power racial identity narrative that has been culturally hijacked by these domestic terrorists wishing to spread hatred against White people and White leadership. Ta Hisis wrote one of three major articles in the propaganda magazine called the Atlantic Monthly magazine which is pure hate and propaganda publication.
You see it is Ta Nehisis Coats and the racial identity social warriors who are the real racists as they wish to stifle any voice that expresses push back are argue against the incredible racist extortion and antaonism that has been the Black and minority voice just about on every topic in american society. Now that white people have hunkered down and payed victim as well,and the Black on white murder rates confirm this. men of little distinguish and full ass like Nehisi-Coats bitches and whines like the shit heads they are. Chris Hayes and Ta-Nehisi coats hate Donald Trump and the policies of America first and they work tirelessly with MSNBC and corporate foreign-invested to smear the new president every chance they get. make no mistake Chris Hayes is a wuss and Ta-Nehisi Coats a fellow shit faced shit-skinned hack for the democratic party and the foreign economic interests this hijacked political party in America serves so well. 

 Ta Nahisi wishes to be the second occupied foreign named and odd fuck as president of the United States and he briefly talked about the possibility of setting up his own personal committee and see if he can be a viable candidate as a presidential candidate in 2020 to challenge Donald Trump as Ta gets so angry thinking of Donald Trump as president of America. ta nahisis Coats would pardopn all blacks in prisons regardless of the crimes and he would be a big advocate for further legalization of marijuana as this basically is all his people do when not protesting and claiming past injustices committed against them before they were born.

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