Roger Stone suspended from twitter for calling Don Lemon a cocksucker and stooge for Wareen Buffet and Charlie Munger

 Eric Ericson
  Fake news CNN host Don Lemon was viciously attacked by political aid Roger Stone earlier in the year got involved between Alex Jones and Cenk Uyger at a convention. Stone called out Don Lemon as perhaps the most egregious of all hosts and called the homo fruit cake a cocksucker, something undoubtedly Don Lemon has done much in his career. Twitter though decided to suspend Roger Stone's twitter account as the technology media company only expresses a desire for people like Don Lemon to have a voice and air daily his grievances against Donald Trump.
Donna Lemon is a media chump who has no business in front of the TV screen and it is only likely that somebody really rich and powerful is deciding on who and what can appear and for a warren Buffet and Charlie Munger it is amusing to have CNN's most visible news anchors to be a salt and pepper poop chute tag team form hell. Even Don Lemon's name is funny and a front for the fruit cake he is often appearing as a glamorous gal on TV screens and making totally irrational racist attacks against president Trump because he is the total polar opposite eon the political spectrum than an Obama Barack Hussein.
Only big money and names will make the decisions to allow a piece of shit like Don Lemon on the air and the use of these media people as political instruments is clearly the goal in allowances for media incompetence and obvious bias bullshit like the likes of Lemonhead to speak and make statements that are his and not facts. The fruitcake Don Lemon and his incessant attacks against president Trump have the handiwork of Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger likely prankers seeking to fulfill gags and annoy world leaders like Trump and men like Roger Stone by having a black homo named lemon constantly rip into Trump's asshole and interfere with his ability to lead and dictate policy by this constant cocksucker host on CNN.

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