Rush Limbaugh and David Pakman argue net neutrality as Limbaugh would prefer wealthy being able to speed on highways

Jacoby Genevese
   Fat loud mouth Rush Limbaugh went on his talk show host to give his pro withdrawal of net neutrality laws as Rush Limbaugh firmly believes that the wealthy citizens have an entitlement to pay and get better internet service and quicker speeds than the poor who do not have the extra jingle to pay for more tier speed offerings. Rush Limbaugh showed his bias for those with money and pro-business price gouging attempts to deliver slower internet speeds and capabilities for those less financial fortunate.
David Pakman blasted fat Limbaugh and those attacking net neutrality laws that would totally undermine the affordability for services for so many Americans without big paychecks. Of course, for the shit Rush Limbaugh speaks for as a paid Republican hack of pro-business. Rush Limbaugh would be pro-speed for highways based on ability to pay and encourage changing of state laws for those willing to pay extra money to go 95 of freeways and that those without money be stuck doing 55 miles per hour. Pakman rightfully called out Limbaugh as a moron for making the comparison of next day shipping and as consumers pay more for to UPS and Fed express for this right of faster delivery and this comparison has nothing to do with what is essentially a public right and utility that is the internet. Any politicians pushing or advocating for the downgrading of peoples internet service to give more top priority and speeds for wealthier people would face dire consequences indeed. As Pakman points out for the fat meatheads in the right-wing media the belief that only those with deep pocketbooks should enjoy the conveniences and enjoyment in life is a serious and deep problem in society and the attacks on net neutrality have more to do with pandering to the rich and allowing them separate access to every access and utility in this ever increasing unequal society and allowances for better internet service is not going to be one of them  and eventually massive resistance to these attacks on net neutrality and fighting against the profiteering of the internet and separate speeds based on ones income will be fought to the man standing.

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