San Mateo Country finally solving some unsolved crimes

Clifford Gifford
   How does a mentally institutionalized inmate and sexual predator take such along time to get a DNA hit from unsolved crimes in the seventies. For San Mateo County California it appears they are finally getting the pieces to a puzzle of many unsolved brutal murders form the mid seventies and for the past fifteen years I have collected information on-line on many of these unsolved crimes against women that are finally getting solved. I will have to put my Dennis Lampe folder into the solved category as police say a scumbag deranged shit named Leon Seymor was responsible for the stabbing  and attempted rape of Denise Lamp whose body was found in her car in a mall and this case always ht me hard as Denise looked like a old school friend of mine.
Men like Leon Seymor who commit these crimes should be immediately lynched and killed tortured to death and in the old South and West many men who committed these demented crimes against innocents were routinely strung up and the lie of lynchings as been prevailed to this day as some racial injustices when in fact most were used against animal rapists like Leon Seymore. San Mateo Country had a string of unsolved murders of young women in the mid seventies as serial killing spread like a disease against primarily children and young women and the Gypsy Hill killings now seems to be more than one individual as a man named Rodney Halbrower is accused of a few of the other murders of young women in and around the bay area.
America in the seventies,eighties, and nineties were killing grounds for young women and people don't realize the amount of damage committed by men against women often of men fueled by bad chemical beer and high amount of drugs in their systems and to those who advocate more legalization of drugs one needs to look at the side affects of drug sin society and its role in making men even more emotionally unstable and trainwrescks posing dangers to many.

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