Terry Blue
Black fuck ass repeat rapist and sexual harasser Jamie Winston is in some hot water again as the injured NFL quarterback is accused of sexually assaulting and groping a female Uber driver some months back in Florida. The often injured quarterback apparently got drunk as fuck and made an attack on a female Uber driver and these allegations are only now coming out and the fact that a Jamie Winston is not in prison for raping and his history of abusing White women at the university of Florida State is legendary. The Uber driver and perhaps the company itself should basically sue the NFL and league for allowing this guy to run amoke and get free of the accusations of college rape he committed which was covered up because he played ball and was a prospect for professional play.
The man is a ticking time bomb and this son of a bitch will likely kill a woman soon as many ex athletes and NFL players have done to their spouses and so forth.

The National Football league is once again under fore for the actions of one of its"stars" and Jamie Winston and his sickening attitude towards women is something that needs to be more scrutinized and the league needs to consider if it should want to be represent by serial attackers like this Winston. Jamie Winston is a pathetic loser on the field and off having no chance with most women unless he forces them or gets them intoxicated to the point of memory loss. Jamie Winston and his Tampa Bay Buccaneers will not be going to the Super Bowl this year or anything in the near future as this guy is more deserving of a prison sentence then a NFL contract extension. What pro American football was thinking when it allowed this son of a bitch to done on a uniform and represent their imagery despite the best evidence that this guy, like many typical blacks, was just a other rapist who should of been locked up with the millions of other young black sexual predators in our prison system looking like Jamie Winston.
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