The Steak N Shake in Mishawauka sucks ass and makes you wait an hour for milkshakes

Armando Arturo
   Steak N Shake is a Midwest fast food chain struggling these days as labor costs and labor slowdown appear to be a part of their business plan. I  went to Steak N shake one night in Mishawauka , Indiana wishing to use a buy one get one milk shake and had maybe two cars ahead of me an d was looking forward for one of Steak N Shakes tasty milkshakes. A milkshake order in a any fast food outlet should take no more than five minutes with a couple of cars ahead of you at the time. What really killed me was that when I looked into the place and saw it entirely empty and no excuse for the snail-approach
However, this place seemed to have the cook or attendant from hell and after thirty minutes the line had not moved and I didn't get up to the window until fifty minutes being so angry I just zoomed off after figuring the slow fuck had went and created both milkshakes by then. Steak N Shake management or whoever has this franchise in Mishawauka  off Grape Avenue better get the shit together otherwise Steak N Shake will be toast as in no way should orders be this slow and without a doubt this service was so bad and slow it had to be contrived by the over-worked cook who may have been mad at others calling in sick.
This fucking Steak N Shake has had all sorts of problems in its history everything from being closed for health violations and mice turds in the beef to these mysterious kitchen fires that seem to pop up all of the time maybe form these disgruntled short staff employees working hard to sabotage this once great fast food franchise that like many made a fatal mistake to expand so much it threatens their very brand. Steak N Shake needs to put heavy surveillance and vet thoroughly the employee hired at this place and get their shit together. Gus and Joe like having coffee and morning biscuit there every day but they cannot believe how many times this place just mysteriously closes for the day and how often the health department has shut down this Steak N Shake. The Indiana town should dump this national franchise and welcome opportunities for Chicago's own Steak N Egger.

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