Wendell MIddleton blasts Pappa Johns Pizza CEO for attacking the National Football League

Aaron Luther
   Famed Miller highlight guy came on his award-winning radio program and talked a bit about the pizza industry and how lagging sales of one corporation call Papa Johns is being blamed on the current protests of NFL players. Wendell Middlebrooks went on to bash CEO John Schnatter for making saggy pizza and pizza people often disdain and mock Papa John's pizza has always been among the worse of the worse of pizza chains and for this organization to put full blame on Colin Kapernick and other brave NFL players protesting and expressing their free speech and viewpoint for awful pizza sales is total bullshit.
Wendell said that he tried Papa John's pizza one time in college and puked the pizza out into a toilet after drinking some vodka with it and he always refused to have this pizza when offered pizza at many of his live remotes and events pushing the Miller High Life brand. Mr Schnatter said the protest is having negative associations with the pizza chain and Wendell Middleton says perhaps the ingredients for this awful pizza is causing the negative vibe for the bad brand of Papa John's pizza where one has to get drunk ass to devour and not notice the bland product of this pizza offering from Papa John.Mr Middlebrooks says that even with Miller Beer that this pizza ruins the day and is just cheese gew with bad frozen meats and tastes like eating prison food and called Papa Johns worse than the pizza offered for free lunches for low-income kids in the public schools.

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