Chuck sexually harasses his crazy cougar Mocha every day for the past ninteen years

Jake Glass
   Chuck is an eccentric and neurotic dude who instead of having a tabby as a pet has decided confining a wild big cat as a pet. Chuck is lucky to have raised this kit as a pup and Mocha is tolerant of this man who would rather make love to a robot and a cougar than a real live woman. One never sees a wife in the one of thousands of Chuck and Mocha videos on YouTube and all of these videos consist of this man sexually harasser and caressing his big cat and at some times purposely making it angry for the cameras. These videos and taming of this wild beast are amazing and this guy should be the one locked in a cage and not Mocha.
Chuck is an oddball and one of these days Mocha may strike back as this poor crazy cougar held in captivity and a prisoner in this deviant's basement may get tired of the sexual abuse it takes and constant kisses of this strong and twisted man somewhere in the deep rural backwaters of Bulgaria. This sicko puts bacon on his hands and has the hungry cougar lick his fingers and often starves this animal into obedience and conformity to meet the desires of Chuck's mind. If you want to help spread the message and help free Mocha from her abuser please send donations to the Crazy Cougar blog and email funds and your bank account to You can see hundreds of Chuck's finger licking cougar bizarre videos on YouTube if you have the stomach for it.

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