Finally Cornel West comes back to Tulsa to bash market-oriented ecnomics and considers a run for president in 2020

Clifford Gifford
   Cornel West recently returned home to his native Tulsa to discuss the dangers of capitalism and market-oriented morality and the economic driving force of the Western financial empires around the world. Brother Cornel spoke and was the keynote speaker receiving some 50 grand in tribute for himself and talked at the Zarrow Mental Health Symposium in beautiful downtown Tulsa. West spoke of a spiritual blackout thanks to modern economics placing priority of money before morality and said there is no integrity in this system responsible for slavery, oppression,poverty etc etc. The problem with the economy is the obsession with short term gains instead of long-term greatness based on a moral and spiritual mode that should be the focus of our priorities.
Cornell went on to bash those running Wall Street and slowing greed to be overtaking our communities and giving fake investors an excuse to displace people and rebuild new only for those pushing luxury living. Cornell West went on to bash president Trump and called him the ultimate gangster in chief and Cornell challenged the president brother to a debate even hinting of the possibility that he may run against him as a third party candidate in 2020 under the East-West unity party. Cornell West called president Trump typical of Manhattan Wall Street scum and that if Donald didn't inherit all of the money form his daddy Trump he likely still would have had a successful career ripping people off either in Wall Street or in the real estate  Cornell West wondered why Donald Trump wasn't in this mental conference as he is somebody who obviously has mental difficulty comprehending the complicated issues of the day affecting the average citizen.

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