Kathmandu battles excessive horn honking and bad road behavior and should serve as a model for all nations

Terry Blue
   One of the things I hate traveling to Asia as an urban planner and using government money to vacation and work studying Asian traffic patterns is the amount of car honking one hears all over. In remote backwaters of urban Nepal though a city has finally found a way around this major problem In Kathmandu though police are ticketing the shit out of drivers to the extent all excessive car horning and hooking has all but stopped. The idea of paying fines for an unnecessary driving habit proved to be to much for these jackasses and possibly fines like this should be produced in America as well to deal with more than car honking.
Loud music playing seems to occur often and many villages do have excessive sound ordinances although I have never seen police stop anyone for this and ticket. Police also need to ticket more speeders and excessive lane changers and it seems instead of having control of American streets that more and more our streets are becoming to resemble the worse parts of Indo-Pako traffic.
   I have been to Kathmandu and remember vividly how these fucks needed to express their frustration with slow traffic and long idle time with unmovable objects in front of them. Kathmandu's traffic and civility seemed to be the worse on the planet so I was pleasantly surprised to see the state of Nepal and this cities government leaders who realize the perception people may have on Nepalese and their tackle one issue at a time. erratic behavior on the roads needed to be battled tenaciously and changed. then only way to change the rampant chaos on the streets of Asia is to ta

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