Professor Charles Lipson goes on MIlt Rosenberg' radio program and praises president Trump's new decision for Jerusalem as capital

Andy Cruz
  The ANTIFA and the Muslim world are horrified as president Trump kept a promise and finally recognized Jerusalem as the rightful capital of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel after years of fighting terrorists who would to prevent the Jewish people ever having a nation. For years Israel faced the pressures on not being allowed to decide on its own what city should be the capital of a nation that fought and was victorious in four wars meant to destroy it. President Trump will be moving the embassy into Jerusalem and this decision pleased University of Chicago professor Charles Lipson who immediately went on Milt Rosenberg's radio program as part of a panel to lead joy and celebration of this crucial decision that was long in coming. Corrupt oil money from the likes of Saudi Arabia held sway for a long time against this move as some see as anti-Palestinian  and for the prevention of these Arab people form having a twenty third Muslim Arab country. The amount of time liberals spend writing and figuring this was a bad move is unbelievable as the pro-terrorist and pro-Palestinian stance they have is basically a sign of the undemocratic nature of the liberal progressive siding with an enemy long considering the Jewish people pigs and dogs. Why would Israelis be supportive and want to have a state like this as a neighbor?
Milt Rosenberg said the continuing anti-semetism in all forms of Democratically controlled US government long prevented this step and  true recognition for the state of Israel to exist in the Middle East. Both Lipson and Rosenberg also blasted Turkish dictator and Muslim extremist Recep Erdogan has never been in favor fro freedom of the Jews and if he had his way Jews and Christians living under Muslim rule would live under the same heavy extra taxation and oppression back in the days of the Sultan and when Turks long ruled this part of the world. Both of these distinguished members of academia warned that in coming years Turkey will be a mortal enemy of the United States developing its own missile deployment system much like North Korea and that in prevention and oppression of the Kurds this group of Turkish bandits and pirates under the Erdogan administration will become a mamber of the new axis of evil very soon as they are already one of the leading sponsors of international terrorism and their role in 9/11 is highly possible.

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