Recep Tayipp Erdogan angered by president Trump's decision on embassy in Jerusalem and there is not a dam thing Turkish evil dictaor can do about it

Clark Kramer
Turkish president and Muslim caliphate hopeful Recep Erdogan threatened Israel and the West again as it becomes more and more clear this Tuirkish queer has never been an ally of Western principles and instiutuitins and is all basic a Muslim supremacist. This Turkish terrorist leader will attempt to use his influence in Europe and millions of Turkish expats to pressure Trump to reverse his decision to move the American embassy and recognize Jerusalem as capital of the Israeli nation. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says this Ottoman caliphate wanabee little Turkish prick will not lecture to Israel what to do and he needs to recognize the power of the Jewish state as Jews are not peons anymore for Muslims in the Middle East to kick around anymore
.Netanyahu said he will not listen to a fuck head ruler who routinely jails and tortures journalist and members of the opposite parties in Turkey and bombs Kurdish villages  while cozying up with Iran and advocating praise for international terrorism that those two nations support. Erdogan warned Trump he had crossed a Muslim red line with this decision and that perhaps another r9/11 is in order for pressure and realization of this decision is being made. Erdogan was also in Greece talking to Turkish ethnic minority members wondering how they can help bride the gap between Greece and Turkey and bring back this nation into a Muslim rule. Basically though there is not a fucking thing Recep Tayipp can do about our decision to finally recognize all of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the threats this fuck ass made to his parliament about our decision clearly shows this man and Turkey has always been an unstable foe much more than ally.

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