Scumbag Joe Scarbrough attacks Donald Trump and says he has early dementia and positions himself as a front runner for the Democratic nomination and will run for president in 2020

Cody Maloney
   Morning Joe Scarbrough is so repulsive I cannot even watch him on television. I think one time I was forced to watch this shit for more than a minute in life in a doctors office and the former congressmen disgraces MSNBC with his appearance every morning for some four hours with a female co-host and despite his huge contract Joe Scarborough is itching to get back into politics and becoming the corrupt politician he always has been and always will be. Joe Scarbrough once again brought up President trump's dementia that according this this lying sack of shit he has sources but didn't divulge it and is just trolling and playing games because the president hinted the other day that this man is responsible for the death of a sexy young female staffer that rejected his sexual advances many many moons ago.
There is little doubt that this crime was a cover up and that Joe Scarbrough had something to do with this fake news of the young woman dying working in his office form hitting her head onto a desk. If anyone believes this death of a young female staff for former congressmen Scumbag Joe Morning Scarborough then I have a rare Navajo calculator form the 17th century that is worth 800,000 and I will sell to you for half as much. Joe Scarborough has actual political experience and now much face recognition although if America wants to elect a asshole looking dude who resembles Wheres Waldo of comic search kids books is yet to be determined and highly doubtful.

Unlike network Television networks,  the majority of people get to make the decision and not one executive network boss and Joe Scarborough would have to earn the position instead of getting it handed to him along with Mika on his lap. Joe Scarborough is a political hack who use politics to get media positions and the last thing this country needs is a suspicious corrupt hack like hi who may have killed a young woman back in the day after he felt disgruntled that he couldn't force her in sexual positions on a bed for a few hours. Joe Scarborough has no chance for the presidency and the jackass likely couldn't  get ever elected as congressmen anywhere even in deep Blue states as people see what a creep and bias shithead he is as a human being.

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