The mystery behind Paul Runge's dismissal and dropped charges and role wife played in murders shows Du-page County's incompetence

Clifford Gifford
   DuPage COunty back in 2011 apparently doesn't think prosecuting a serial killer and having the bastard go onb trial to discuss his twisted crimes warranted costs as in 2011 the crooked county actually dismissed charges against animal Paul Runge. The fact that this monster is serving life terms is irreverent and making his humiliation and courtroom drama is a necessity costs if just to warrant publicity and remembrance of the victims sand serving a role as warning to women to take more precaution when advertising items and putting out ads that any nut can order.
Paul Runge and his ritualistic murders need to be prosecuted and the savage whisked to courtrooms having prosecutes announce and have a trial covering all aspects of this mans grisly crimes. In essence the county and refusal to have trials for already convicted killers pretty much announces to the victims and their families that they areas worthless to the state and justice for Bosnian sisters Amela and Dzenbeta Pasanbegovic and Stacy Frobel can never be achieved without a full trial and bringing Paul Runge into a courtroom to rehash these disturbing crimes and basically this fuck gets away without clearance and closure  for the families to have a trial.
Why DuPage County prosecutors would be so cheap and foolish without having Paul Runge come and rehash these crimes and have a trial is beyond meas is why his wife was never prosecuted as she clearly was complicate in the DuPage County brutal murders of three women before Paul divorced and went alone to answer women's house and condo sale ads in Cook County. Not prosecuting serial killers and putting these monster son display and warning for people for every victim makes no sense and makes a prosecutor's office looks bad regardless if there is no longer a death row in Illinois or noit.
The suppose deal was stupid DuPage County prosecuters gave the unname wife of this fat fuck immunity for these crimes in her testomioney for crimes that will never be prosecuted and who the former Ms Runge is connected to in DyPage Coubnty never to serve any time for heklping Paul Runge in his murders and why she wasn't prosecuted for murder is a sign of the complete corruption andincomptance in the second largest acoiuntry in terms of population in Illinoius where apparently prosecuting sewrial killers is toom much trouble or a cover up for a influentian person.

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