Brian Urlacher sued by his ex-girlfriend seeking to win the lotto through him

Leo Yost
  The fake hired restore spokesman Brian Urlacher is likely glad that he agreed to the deal growing Frankenstein hair and having his mug and head all over Chicago's freeways and toll roads pushing the idea that he made a mistake not having these hair procedures done during his playing career. Tina Karageorge is suing Brian for saying the woman has the soul of a murderer during their custody battle and the mother of his love child is seeking one hundred plus million dollars to sert her and her child set for life for Brian's stupidity and Brian still looked bald in a recent video clip of him. Perhaps Brian should sue hair restoration for making false and misleading representation for him to work and grow hair from his crotch and put it on his head to grow like a chia pet.
Urlacher is getting his pants sued because of slander and his huge role in local media as a future hall of fame player for the Chicago bears and has having a love child with some women he was not interested in staying long term Urlacher also lacked wisdom in saying something contentious during a major custody battle. Tyna's ex-husband allegedly shot himself after an argument and Brian Urlacher and writer David Haugh supposedly questioned this suicide and conspired according to her Tyna lawsuits against the former Chicago Bear legend.  Tyna will no longer  be looking to get knocked up or for a sugar day if winning a fraction of this lawsuit and she stands a good job because goofy opened his mouth and made some verbal boo boos talking too much shit about the women he knocked uip and have been paying enough child support. Now Mr Interlace might really be taken to the bank and have to do more sponsorship and partnerships for restoration doctors. Perhaps a brain restoration form years of hard knox hitting may be in order for old Brian.

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