David Pakman thinks everything looks and is an avatar of him and wishes to have sex with a robot that looks like himself

Ed West
 Liberal Argentine and Israeli provocateur David Pakman wishes to have sex with a robot he saw and mentioned recently on his bad podcast. Mr Pakman often says throughout our history or studying his development and program that things he wonders are purposely created to look like him as Mr Pakman is all full of himself. David Pakman once said a cartoon character he was convinced was made to look like him. Pakman is a prick who sees himself everywhere as he carries a mirror or something and this is a fool who actually believes someone in his generation will be living on Mars someday and that human progress must reach this destinations and  precious valuable resources met for this demand of fellow globalist oligarchs as himself.

The liberal leftist podcaster You tuber also stated an avatar looked so cunningly similar to him he was certain a fan had created and was selling one based on him. The egotistical self-centered son of a pig also said a comic script character he once saw in Get Fuzzy  by Darby Conley was base don his likeness and so forth.
Pakman now believes a male sex robot was made and is an identical match for him and the way this Argentine anti- Trumper is so into himself there is no doubt that David Pakman will be the first to purchase this product when available.David's gay husband and co-host Lewis Pakman says there is no need for him to purchase this robot as he enjoys and has the real thing three times a week but without a doubt the idea of having sex with a doll that looks identical to himself has Mr Pakman intrigued and excited and he can't wait until he buys one and brings it home on vacation to Israel and show all of his friends.

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