Real Estate data hacks for condo construction blogger Matt Elliot and professor Murtaza Haider attack Margaret Atwoods observation of attmepts to destroy character of Tporonto Annex neighborhood

Tony Miselli
   Money Speak
  The cross border data bullshit artists have laid claim and profited handsomely form getting money and people to cross-borders and build new construction
. Famed Toronto native and author Margaret Atwood recently complained how an ugly high-end condo development would ruin her Toronto neighborhood came under fire form the global class making a killing form over-priced dull-looking condo development. The amount of money these fuck asses in real estate including Murtaza Haider have made form getting wealthy people )globalists with no national identity or loyalty) into buying up what are essentially Soviet-style construction and architecture is a process that has turned many urban areas against the countryside both culturally and politically all across the planet. The globalist class making money form high-rises and glass gems that will deteroriate quickly in Toronto's warm winter climates is a joke and a scam and these buildings need to be built in Dubai.
These money-obsessed globetrotters like Real estate  professor Murtaza Haider don't appreciate when big named and culturally important people such as author Margaret Atwood questions the wisdom of local corrupt officials for allowing more of these condo development ruin and destroy the integrity and aesthetics of a community. Ms Atwood knows these condo construction brings in outsiders who wish to even profit more form colonizing and construction of more of these Soviet style high-rises for brown people around the world and the transformation of Toronto in the past two decades has been a text-book nature of this plan.
The brown madman Murtaza also was upset that Ontario installed a new tax of 15 percent on foreign buyers who are buying up and forcing up higher real estate costs because they have long been taking advantage of tax loop hole sin North America. Murtaza need to help rebuild his country instead of coming here for the cash cows they worship in addition to the mnoney they hoard and then use to get government to act and speak.
Ms Atwood says that the Annex neighborhood is small charming part of Toronto already diverse and that this condo project would only be residence for the rich who will be able to afford the exorbitant over-priced asset entity its creation serves the money masters. She wonders why is there not a need to construct affordable housing to which the arrogant Indian/Pako/Bango whatever Associate professor Haider found laughable. Other urban affairs and bloggers "experts like Matt Elliot also condemned the attitude and question of Margaret Atwood pondering to these insider corrupt fucks thinking they can give allowances to build and are hacks for the highest dollar and this best explains the assault many traditional neighborhoods face with the condo cookie-cutter monster that fucks like Elliot and Haider advocate for more. Elliot and Haider are hacks for the rent a space global class seeking to make as much bang for their buck with their high-rise development that will be in disrepair down the road and they will be long gone ruining and destroying the vitality of long-established home residential areas into thes enew glass  monstrosities. SOme of these proposals in the TYoronto historical areas have been a fucking jokje and about as realistic as developing and unbdertaking beach communities in Antarctica.

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