Thorn Dreyer desperately pushing LGBT rights and perverted interviews like Howard Stern and the idea Bernie Sanders can be president someday

Clark Kramer
  Thorn Dreyer is an ultra-hippe left-wing crazed nut form Austin, Texas and perhaps the lefts best respomnse to Alex Jones. This old quack has been pushing the idea of conspioracies for a long time and perhpas only a Paul Craig Robert's is more egregious than this son of a bitch dreyer. Thorn is continually talking abd speaking politics and Bernie Sanders as if somehow the 2016 election never ended and Torn Dreyer insists 2020 will be different as the American public wil have had toime to know and learn more about Bernie Sanders the man and his message.
 Thorn Dreyer brain keeps saying Bernie Sanders was somehow cheated and should of gone one on one with Donald Trump ignoring the fact that most of the donars and big money went to Hilary Clinton as they saw an established candidate as more viable than an eighty year old geezard communist, which a colonel Sanders would of been exposed if running and debating Trump five times.
Thorn Dreyer also continually has lesbians on the show aka imitating Howard Stern..although without the usual intriguing social talk but instead lame city council and local government discussion that is about as interesting as ahhh watching street sweepers clean downtown Toledo,Ohio. Thorn Dreyer keeps putting out an interview he had with the Vermont socialist oin his podcast as if Mr Dreyer is some award-winning and influential broadcaster and chances are both Thorn Dreyer or a Bernie Sanders may drop dead of the flu or the sleep dream death before 2020. Bernie Sanders in a one on one settled election would get walloped and basically only win Vermont and maybe the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico in a general election against Donald Trump or even against a Paul Ryan. When idiots on the left realize this will they be able to move on and be a viable challenge for power perhaps a candidate that works for America and Americans and not foreign money capital urban classes and their agenda as the Democratic Party now stands.

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