Whoopie Goldberg wows them at womens march and considers challenging president Trump in 2020

Peter Patel
   Whoopie Goldberg was center front and the headline act in the paid for womens march the other day and Whoppie gave another outstanding speech about how women are considered second-class citizens by these nutjob protesters and agitators because they have periods. The idea that women are not in full control of all the fortune 500 companies,the military,the media, etc. etc will always be problematic and cause of concern for these protesters who actually are just paid foreign hacks of political campaign protest money form overseas and domestic Democrats wishing to keep a welfare state and the bureaucracy needed to run one.
Whoppie said her usual peel about women needing to regain strength and a political voice and activism as she proceeded to rip president Trump and form some sources this woman is seriously considering a bid to run for office in 2020. While the media focuses on the potential of Oprah Winfrey's chances look for this incredible speaker and amazing comedian to sneak under the radar and declare her candidacy some months before the election. Whoppie Goldberg would be both the first African-American and female president of the United States if she can ride these female agitators and their constant meddling into the politics of America and create a situation where women are feeling threatened and slavery about to be instituted against them because rich celebrities seeking to take the limelight of invalid protest like her say so.

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