SE Cup bashes Neil De Grasse Tyson and Bil Nye as climate fear promoters

Otto Jansen
Se Cupp can't believe the insanity that comes form the climate scare science crowd that pushes back so hard on progress and civilization. Se Cupp is particularly tough on two beloved Manchurian candidates of American pop TV cable culture and this is William Nye and Neil De Grasse Tyson. SE Cupp has mocked profusely Bill Nye's thoughts that people with big families in the industrial world should be taxed and fined he Apparently this jerk only thinks Bangladeshis and Pakistanis should have large families and is threatened if there were to be arise in white global population.  SE Cupp also informs readers of her column of how this old bow-tie wearing geeky mother fucker also says those who deny climate change should be thrown in the can and locked away like the gulag.
Se Cupp unloaded on these two science freaks and loser geeks who think they know everything and are smarter than the average person by multiples of ten, Tyson and Nye think the rest of the world is ignorant and they have the answers to all things. In actuality Neil Grass and Bill Nye do not have all the facts and answers and often are as much fabricators as are the authors of the old religious texts the two of these men often mock.
Cupp also says that De Grass Tyson often says that are vacation spots will disappear under water and as a man of science Neil De Tyson should basically inform his ignorant audiences coastal lines are always eroding and changing every hundred years if not decades through natural erosion whether there be a God dam city or settlement there or not. Tyson is worried about immediate destruction so concerned about the wealth of the coastal elites that fund and financially support his bullshit and Bill Nye's.

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