Bert Berg

Andy Warski cam on his little viewed YouTube channel complaining he got a strike for making fun of some retarded kid or something. I don't know but the conservative YouTube sensation star and inventor of blood sports internet debates where uhmm I guess graphics are added to faces during debates to illustrate who is winning the debates. Andy was pissed as hell that he received this strike and warned other YouTube stars that this primary video service monopolist is censoring speech and going after certain individuals of particular political perspectives on-line. Andy Warski is prevented from live streaming for three months as he moved form making videos into an on-air personality discussing events of the day with various other up and coming gunslingers of the world wide web. YouTube though seems to want to stop and prevent this free expression and the technocratic establishment in America long have more admiration for authoritarian style of society as seen in

Russia,China,Germany and France than for freedom of expression that has been a founding principle since this nation broke free form the kings rule in 1775. Andy has a back up plan and told his loyal base of four hundred followers where they can continue to get exciting and expressive three hour programs of Andy an others talk about people and shit of other You tubers that few people outside the obsessive live streaming YouTube audience care about. Andy and his( brother/lover Chris?? ) will continue to find ways to skip over the YouTube censorship because when you are a YouTube sensation basically you have the right away to do as you please and should be allowed for drawing people who otherwise wouldn't stop at this video site.
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