Dr Richard Wolff appears on Sam Sedar's podcast and is considering a run against president Yrump

Herbert Gilbert
    Radical professor Richard Wolff came on Sam Sedar's Majority Report podcast and pretty much made the same case for workers co-op and how capitalism has been hijacked by a small elite of money extremists using the effects of capitalism to undermine democracy and freedom. Dr Wolff was on his usual seething demand for reform and change and told Sam Sedar that the one percent are doing everything they can to hold onto the system and prevent alternative ideas and ways and systems for the economy. Dr Richard Wolff says capitalists basically use and abuse the system into these oligarchs and monopolies of industry often using cross borders transactions and moment to help their bottom line and use governments and countries against one another. 
 Dr Wolff schools Sam Sedar and showed him and his listeners why he is one of the premier academics of economics of this era and his take down of the current system of crony capitalism in this new specialized global era of corruption and political misinformation is why there are more and more demands to try socialism. Both Sedar and Wolff were shocked to see a fake news mainstream columnist for the Washington Post be allowed to write a column critiquing the wrongs of capitalism and that maybe society should reexamine and study socialism as an alternative to increase opportunities for more people and redistribute the wealth through capitalism that currently is far exceeding being directed to a few executives and owners of such. Dr Wolff hinted we need massive change up on top and he is seriously contemplating a challenge to President Trump as early as 2020 and hinted he may be months before declaring his intentions and being the first person to announce their candidacy and challenge to the forty fifth prescient of the United States. 

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