Morbidly obese talk radio show host Eddie Schwartz was angry at the amount of money spent in the Illinois governors race in which billionaire JB Pritzker will face Billionaire Bruce Rauner in November. Eddie Schwartz came on his little listened to late night radio program following JB Pritzker's shocking double digit victory over Chris Kennedy in the primary and stated that what is wrong with politics is money being used to get more millionaires and billionaire selected who only represent the economic interests of this class.
Eddie Schwartz almost came to tears on the air as he recalled a day when politics and election was about improvement and opportunities for good change but in essence has become no different than Vladamir Putin's recent Russian election. Eddie Schwartz then had Dmitri Orlov on his program to basically validate this buying of the American election and both he and Schwartz went on to compare American fake elections as being all of money interest and no different than the shame that was the recent elections for president in Russia.

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