Free Talk lIve fags bash Michael Savage and his possible senate run

Larry Frost
  Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are radical libertarians wishing to open borders and exploit cheap labor for the plutocratic rulers of  a man they are not too society. They recently were talking about a man they are not to  familiar with who is a much larger name than these two clowns can ever become. The New Hampshire dynamic duo along with their six other hosts form time to time often wail against government and push for open borders saying there should be no nations and government as these two shit fags are advocates for a one world government under the Libertarian Party banner
. Ian and Mr Edge went on to blast Michael Savage actin g like they really didn't know much about him and how Mr Savage is planning to run for the California senate and how his right-wing rhetoric unease's them The fact that these two shit live  in New Hampshire a place never affected by the sprawl and filth growth of a California, don't realize how California has deliberately declined and been taken over not protecting their borders and enforcing laws against those smuggling people and hiring them into the country illegally without paper work and so forth. The Free Talk Live fags would not hold their current opinion on immigration and being such advocated if New Hampshire bordered Mexico ..this I can assure  you and pretty much defines their belief. If Michael Savage ran against  Diane Feinstein there is no doubt this man likely has a strong chance of beating this bitch as many Californians are tired of their political leaders selling out their country to the moneyed interests form Mexico. Free Talk live jag fags will just have to deal with the fact that people want America to be America and not globalstan as these North East hicks and meth heads think they would be left to themselves and radical change wouldn't come to their opioiid lands.

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