Liberal snowflake teen punk David Hogg trolls Laura Ingraham and gets her in hot water

Casey Kelso
Dumb Laura Ingraham should of known better than getting in a twitter tat with David Hogg. The grandson of Boss Hogg of Hazards County and Parkland school survivalist now turned teen heartthrob gun activist was a snowflake going after this right-winged woman's advertisers after she insulted the kid on her award-losing program on Fox News. Laura Ingram recently made the mistake of criticizing president Trump despite, he has done for her causes nut this woman really caused a frukus and insulting David Hogg.
Laura then made the mistake if apologizing as if this would smooth or snowflake David after she said he was upset for being passed I've by all the four year schools and had to go to community college or some two year school. The young Hogg immediately pounces and counter strike  on this cougar of a woman making calls to Laura Ingraham advertisers having caused any to decide to drop their advertising on her program. The fake news of the Sam Francisco Gate newspaper sloshing claimed that the data showed ms Ingraham's ratings dropped four prevent following her comments as people flock to the defense of this hack teen anti gun protester who was saddened and angrier r than a toothless hippo.
Ms Ingraham was stupid to apologize for just making some comment against what is obviously a coached and paid hack for the lobby wishing to take guns away from Americans and Mr Hogg Jr needs to address why the youth brains are so scrambled in stupid shoot em up violent video games ,computer virtual reality,slasher horror  movies where they do not even know what is reality but instead this son of a donkey works against the gun industry and prevent people from having the best home protection and availability to protect themselves from these very same deranged youth who often sneak onto peoples property to steal and potentially maim in a confrontation.

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