Patrick Henningsen says Britian and West complete marbles about fake news spy poisoning assassination

Martin Manziel
Dream money
 The forces attempting to deliver a Falklands style war between Britain and Russia are imploding this fake assassination according to famed Podcaster Patrick Henningsen who came aboard his award winning six hour Sunday Wire broadcast and just talked about the hysteria created in Londonstan about the deaths of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yuria. The amount of press coverage and deploration  by the mainstream media and accusations of Russian intelligence murder in this case in unfounded and this event is now being used by the further depraved Western leaders in their mass confusion and hopes for war on the Eastern front. Mr Skrpal and his daughter had a easy dream money job of talking to English authorities and perhaps giving tremendous amount of valuable information of the Russian government. 
The crazed and globalist Britishstan media hates Russia as being a bulwark against globalization and Islam and the bought media thinks it has irrefutable  evidence tying Russian spies and espionage to the murders of this double agent. There is no doubt in Patrick Henninsen's mind that the British public and media reads too many of their tabloids and are obsessed with stupid Jams Bond movies. Chances are that this double agent were killed by the Russian or Irish mob more than orders of Vladamir Putin and for the British media going hysterical and making this such an international incident is deplorable according to Patrick's media channel of the Sunday Wire and he went on to
spend some five hours on this topic seemingly obsessed with how low the media is so confident that this mans death was delivered on orders from Russian government sources instead of the massive amount of unpaid debt this globalist con double and triple agent likely had and this man and his presence is the result of open borders and espionage on part of the British Empire as it seeks to remain influential never really  dying as a force. If old Sergia was a spy against mother Russia why wouldn't Putin take this old clown out if he is harming the state and perhaps Great Britain should quit fighting the cold war and playing James Bond all of the time. This Mr Skipal wined and idned his family on the tax dime of British people giving information about Russia to British intelligence and why wouldn't he deserve a nerve agent from patriot Russians wishing to avenge the damage this son of a dog had delivered for the Queen and global trade degrading British/Muslim  Indian empire.

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