Recep Tayipp Erdogan angrier than a hornless ram as art that displays him as a squatting fruit loving sodomite

Alex Mousolopolous
   Recep Erodgan is a mad dictator of Turkey trying his damnest to bring back old fashion theocratic Ottomon rule and Muslim hard line beliefs into every corner of the modern Turkish state. Many in Germany have seen first hand of these radical backwards rural Islamo-fascists can bring into a open society and this is what resistance and hatred of Recep Erdocan is so shared by many of the German people and artists today. At a recent German art fair Tayipp Erdogan is shown being sodomized by a banana as a third-world banana stand Afghanistan banana republic is what this jack ass sodomite wishes to bring Turkish society erasing the secular and Democratic Greeks neighbors to the  East hase achieved through the decades.
The artist making this painting of Erdogan pretty much stated that Recep Erdogon is an asshole leader bringing down what was once the Middle East's hippest and coolest secular countries and he is bringing a Sunni version of radical Iran theocracy and enforce this system on the millions who do not want to cover their heads in public or be required to sit and bow to the dirt five times a day to a force that doesn't exist. Turkish state TV came on the air and displayed the picture and said this was further evidence of Germany's neurotic and eccentric culture that Turkish migrating to this land need to be aware of exposure and the total lack of respect to a world leader through parody and art is just something that is not to be admired or ignored upon Recep Erdogan. Many Germans know Turks are ass bending stretchers loving to put objects in their anus both moving an dimmovabe and edible and non-edible and pretty much displaying this ruthless dumbass Turkish president taking a Afghanistan Bannastand in his ass is not that much of a big deal and not out of the norm one would expect ahhhh from any Turkish leader both living an din the past. I would not be surprised if Recep Erdogan puts a banana in his ass five times a day as he bows to the sky. 

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