Avicii kils himself in Oman on some tainted rotten Afghanistan bannanas and is dead at age 17

Rex Reed Jr
   Avicii was a rockstar DJ who could spin some fucking tunes like no other DJ that ever existed. This young son of a bitch was adored by acid-based tripping shit head globalists the world over especially in far out places where tn the Mid-East country called his kid dropped dead like a fucking toad. Avicii was in the Mid-East country called Oman playing some records and was depressed at his life trying to figure out some sort of balance. Needless to say this punk hick kid must have had some bad acid or needed treatment for a suppose chemical imbalance as this disc jockey was much more talented than the chemical brothers.
 Avicci was a Swedish DJ form hell who was the most popular and talented man ever to spin some discs and likely blew many Arab pricks to get any notoriety in the biz. He was beloved in the music industry and the global structure that pushes people like Avicii as legitimate performers and musicians than actual rockers who learn a craft and instrument. His success though likely is what caused this mans desolation and depression as he was nearing 28 years of age , I believe, and realized that he couldn't keep doling this nonsense forever and was ageing himself out of the industry. Avicci wore a hat backwards and realized as a blonde Swede chances are he would of been balder than a cow by age thirty two. Avicii was always hospitalized for some drug disorder as if he was born in Tenseness instead of Sweden he would of been both a meth head and an opioid addict instead of a loved punk who just played other peoples music in bits and shits. Avicci dead at the age of Nineteen  years of age. 

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