Dominick D'Souza
The hick and punk Scott Horton has an amazingly propaganda pro-China episode last month with some fuck-face like no other public speaker and policy pusher named Ted Galen Carpenter. Carpenter filled the need for a Scott Horton founder to talk of another front for America's war mongering need aside form North Korea and Afghanistan. The fear of war and the integrity and independence of Taiwan being threatened is something that can be supplied by a Horton who apparently doesn't care that without this American empire much of the world would be divided to six consolidated spheres or less.

Ted Carpenter says we are headed for a full war and that we have no business getting involved in what is essentially a Chinese cold/civil war between Taiwan and China and these two nations need to hammer out their differences without th meddling of our armed forces in the region or other outside powers. The punk Scott Horton needless to say agreed as maintaining any allies is seen as America power and Scott Horton is so filed with American might and power through history. Scott Horton brings his

Anti-American imperialism effort at every opportunity he can whether it be on his program or other pod casters and a steady supply of drug guests like fuck face Carpenter is what fuels the urge of a Horton to nonsense hies way to dialogue and record of it. Scott Horton is both a punk and hick form Alabama who got kicked out of junior ROTC in grammar school for something and holds a grudge of it to this day. He never watches the scene form Animal House

Horton was humiliated someway and somehow by American military officials and this has inspired his 1700 plus podcasts since 2007 in an amazing run especially considering how much one can talk of this subject. I recently saw him speak at the Middle East book store in Washington and realize that he is a modern day war obsessed talk much like the civil war round up speakers of today. As far as Carpenter goes, I don't know much about him but upon one look of him it is obvious that he is a fuck-face like no other and most likely a Chinese paid hack representing the ideas of those wishing to force Taiwan back into the mainland. A dude who looks like this I wouldn't listen and take what he says seriously and he should be talking about nations like Ecuador, or Zambia instead of projects of speak on China.
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