The prick Peter Schiff comes and lies about the economy on his podcast

Lionel "Lion" Wagner
    Peter Schiff is one of our favorite CNBC guests and economic podcasts often saying bullshit and advocating global trade system that fucks over American workers and helps those in financialization of economies such as this Euro-Pacific CEO Peter Schiff AKA Prick. He came on his little-listened to podcast saying that out economy would get killed if we stopped trading and importing cheap shit form China. Peter Schiff says we are dependent on trade wondering where will we get the sea food if no more imports of fish come and feed the imported Asian population into this country and he wonders how would these Asians get their preferred heavy bundle diet of protein-rich fish.
Schiff criticized Lary Cutlow being a Trump cheer leader but Peter Schiff is a Cheerleader for foreign capitalist influence and money in politics dictating policies and rules in America helping relocate wealthy people from around the globe into our country at the expense of the native born born without a silver spoon or overseas corrupted connected government officials. No wonder this mans company hedge fund is named Euro-Pacific because he wishes all of our wealth goes to Europe and Asia. Schiff lies when he attacks the notion that Americans can get along fine without international trade and in fact we would be better off without trade and one only needs to look at their decline of Detroit as proof how trade is srt up to extract wealth from America. Schiff says American shelves are empty without trade but American pocketbooks are empty because of this middle man intentional international set up and our pockets would be filled if we stocked the shelves with products made in this fucking country and not in Asia or Latin America.  Peter Schiif is such a stupid hack and ignorant ass for China Would  unemployed Anglo Americans be willing to fish and help feed the growing Asian masses needing to eat salty mercury filled polluted fish instead of bread and beef??
Peter Schiff is a complete shit and is stupider than the popes fashion director. Peter Schiff is a hack and conformist of the current status quo and wishes to remain an high-paid individual who goes on a cruise and claim to be working and when one has a gig and scam like the "prick" Peter Schiff no wonder he is against president Trump's desires to change the trade system long hurting this country and allowing corporate hacks like the Wal-Marts and Walgreens form continuing to screw over America and deny manufacturing base set up once again in this country that we had when it was a really strong nation. Schiff would prefer to see Americans be rent a cops and join the militaries  instead of establishing families with strong manufacturing and union jobs . Peter Schiff is a prick always has been a dumb prick and always will be sucking Chinese prick.

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