Nicaragua on the brink...and Dr Laurence Kotlikoff and famed New Jersey Ledger columnist writer Paul Mushine say America becoming like it

Andy Cruz
  Nicaragua is on the brink of revolution and civil war and jackass agitator libertarian rockstar writer  Paul Munshine says the banana republic syndrome is spreading to America. Mulshine contacted our favorite Frankenstianian economics professor Boston University's own Laurence Kotlikoff to discuss the situation in this banana republic. Nicaragua is a shit hole and always has been and protestors took to the streets to demand electoral reform as massive corruption and inequality has spread even more than it existed in this stinker of a country that should of been annexed b y the United States a long time ago. Civilians in this country protested the ineffective rule of Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and demanded he step down after twelve years of brutal rule where he basically loots and rules
for his own benefit and prosperity than helping an daiding the nation. Munshine put in a call and wrote for his little-read column in the Star Ledger of New Jersey how devalued the currency is for this Central American country and how the Sandinista government keeps devaluing the currency it has made it practically worthless while the rooks like Ortega and his cronies manipulate and collect dollars for themselves. Mulshine said the value is so debased that in order to carry the equivalent of two dollars one must carry a backpack to stuff in all the paper currency of the Cordoba. 
Peter Mulshine says Americas increasing welfare state and demands for freebies will eventually put it towards apath we see with the shithole of Nicaragua and Nicolas Maduro's Venezuela and Dr Kotlikoff says it is because we keep increase epending and jus pushing it towards future generations. Mulshine though should fess up and say basically Venezuela and Nicaragua are running their currency and country much like a corporation where debt-allowances are not only encouraged but occur frequently with many companies just going bankrupt or selling out to a rival. This her eis the solution and perhaps Mulshine should write that Costa Rica and China buy Nicaragua and Venezuela or Cuba ], which is essentially what Cuba did with Mother Soviet Russia through the decades. it seems that Kotlikoff and Mulshine have no problem with corporations using the tactic that they deplore of banana republics and countries. The people of Nicaragiua are tired and inflamed that president Oretga thinks he has ordained right to rukle forever and pass the reigns of power to his wife.
Ortega has slaughtered seventy protesters and over a thousand at injured thus far in these protests seeking to have Sandinista rule ended in this banna country. Kotlifkoff says we need fiscal reform in this country and Mulshine rightly argued the Republicans and their two trillion tax cut is a Sandinista-type bookkeeping . Kotlikoff says th efed would need to print sixty times the maount of dolalrs already in circulation just to keep up and close the gap. Mulshine says eventually the dollar will have thevalue of a penny today

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