Danish minister Inger Stojberg considers a run for the White House in 2020

Ali Muhammad
  Danish immigration minister Inger Stohberg  has been influenced with president Trump's Muslim ban and other far right actions on immigration and other rhetoric that members of Europe's at right have captured.  Inger Stohberg popularity has reached a zenith in Denmark that the rising politician is thinking about higher greener pastures. The fact that this woman may come to America and run for president after a successful career as immigration minister and pushing assimilation for Muslims to adhere is amazing and clearly this woman can stop Spanish-Speakers from ending their practice and demand that this become a bilingual nation. Make no mistake president Trump is worried about a fresh young female face like this woman form coming and running against him and not a CEO ugly face like Carly who ran against him four years ago.
Some are saying that the woman is a,serous candidate and has galvanized a nation in fighting to preserve the Christian nation-state. She now seeks to become the first Danish American president along with becoming the first female president of the United States. Inger Stohberg's travel bans and anti-immigrant stance would make Donald Trump blush and Mr Trump is very concerned with this woman hitting his base and dividing a Republican primary. Inger Stohberg would also redistribute immigrants across the whole United States and not just leave the illegals alone and to be abused by rich powerful real estate developers and men like Trump to exploit for cheaper labor.

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