The great paranoid and one trick pony con Greg Palast believes people are being thrown off voting rolls and denied the votes because many ignorant people are too dumb to fill out a sheet to confirm their residency in a particular place. What Greg Palast as actually attempting to do is trying to spread the fake news that people are denied voting opportunities based on their status as an ethnic minority member and this is what Greg Palast does. It s not government or society's responsibility to get people to fill out and keep up to date with voter registrations and one must wonder if a Greg Palast is working hard along with this left-wing nut host Hartmann who is basically a political professional provocateur . Thom Hartman is stupider than a brick and everything is a racial incident according to him and basically both men are pushing it and attempting to make ways that would be easier for people to vote in multiple states and have more than one vote and so forth. Hartmann doesn't realize that people should be required to inform voting rolls and fill out the paper work when they do vote and this is just proper procedure in a democracy that is fully functional and not a banana Republic these two fruits wish to see in order to help the global democratic Party. Palast came on Hartmann's program and lied and jived his way onto another bias opinion on voter suppression ignoring the real suppression of votes through the decades has been the manipulative mainstream media and their attempts to push political agendas and thought with their reporting and how it consistently had a diversity liberal bent of changing the nation.
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