Nate Hagens returns with dull three hundred slide talk of dwindling resources

Runs Like Cougar
   Nathaniel Hagens appeared out of no where as the University of Minnesota professor did a YouTube presentation and lecture from hell last April on Earth Day in Rochester,NY and the former Prophets Of DOOM' history channel alumni once again scared his audience of the period we will reach when having fossil fuel slaves will no longer be available for humanity. Mr Hagens has a dizzying number of slides and presentations and at time sit was so silent one could hear the snoring of his mainly geriatric audience that likely attended to get free cookies and coffee as these retirees had no idea of the legendary status of this oil talk/poker player legend that is Nate Hagens.
 Nate Hagens is an amazing individual a man on th ego and a tough poker player as well as speaker to sit down for a couple of hours. I nearly fell asleep on my long boring drive form Champaign Il, to Lafayette Indiana trying to watch this shit and i have an obsessive interest in economic and energy collapse that a Nate Hagens speaks a few times of along with the great James Howard Kuntsler and Michael Ruppert's spirit. Only the chanting spirits of my Kickapoo ancestors allowed me to stand with Courage and finish this ride and prevented my from crashing into a rice field and joining them. Nate spoke of the more complex ways society needs to discover and extract this limited resource of oil and that it is killing th environment and humanity has no way to check their greed and overabundant use and destruction of the habitat and eventually we will reach a critical mass where mass growing of food in no longer an achievable outcome and mass starvation will occur. Americans the West with teir obsession to large vehicles and trucks  and recreational and arrogant  use of movement through massive Harley motorcycles are mostly to blame for the increased waste and use of oil and energy and the tipping point will hit our society hard soon according to mr Hag. 

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