Pyschotic Jeff Bezos and amazon overturn needed head tax in Seattle

Cecil Brewster
    Jeff Bezos and millianire executives at Amazon do not want to pay a little extra jingle and sauce to help Seattles massiv ehomeless problem that this company has helped to produce. Jeff Bezos put so much pressure on city leaders in Seattle after they tried raising ahead tax on large companies that often hoard cash and could easily afford a bot more to help the down and pout of their city. Jeff Bezos though would rather use this money fro travel expense for his management team or to donate to softball teams and see to it money ispent the way he sees fir.
The income gap is larger and increzses more and more in the home headquarters of tech gioants as Amazon and this company of Jeff Bozos is particulary responsible by the death of jobs and why there has ben an increase in homeless people in these city centers . Bezos and Amazon executives threatedn to get out of a project for alarge skyscraper that the city was building not to solve their homeless problem but to look flashy and sallow over-paid technocrarts an opportunity to live and imagine they are in New York City or Singapore. Cities continue to offer lavish tax breaks to businessmen like Bezos who refuse to play their part in society fixing the messes they create a d.then threaten governmwnts.abs countries with retaliation as Amazon has done with Australia. Bezos is a dangerous human being wishing to place more of humanity into the Amazon debt bondage and his attacks on a simple tax to help the less fortunate is indicative of the problems with the corporate business evil class in charge of so much of the money and social policies needed to improve the living conditions fo so many people left jobless and in despair because of the monopolistic tendencies of an Amazon. Other countries like Australia are seeing the evil tentacles of this company and their ability to change Seattle's tax head tax is testimony of the willingness this shitty Amazon and their allies of the coalition of business interests including Starbucks in this campaign to fight this new and needed tax. The upcoming political fight will be costly to both citizens councils and Amazon and perhaps a concentrated effort to fight Amazon in the courts on issues like this will be the only way to solve the homeless crisis and by pointing out the mega role Amazon's massive influence and job destruction play in this and why they should be given the burden to pay for it.

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