Woody Underwood
Pot smokers are pushing their drug of choice and two entrepreneurs are attempting for a live streaming service where people can watch others to talk and smoke dope. 420TV is struggling to find funders and investors to this ridiculous idea as few wish to insure and advertise on programming g that involves Marijuana programming and why anyone would think there need to be something of this televised anywhere is only validated to move money around and find unique new ways to

achieve this goal. Alex Nahai and Dan Goman are the two clowns trying to get a CNN like 24 hours weed Tv deal going and if anything is an indication of the general peak TV era it would be a venture like this form fuck face Dan Goman and week-breath Alex Nahai. These guys are struggling thankfully to get funding and find ways to actually get this service going which is not surprisingly owned by a Las Vegas based holding company called Genesis Media. Goman insists this is quality premium programming an product and is not some YouTube Wayne's World venture of pot talk in someone's mother's basement

How many people and why anyone would give funding to watch fuck holes like Alex Weed smoke dope and talk of the virtues of getting dumb and stoned is unbelievable and are just more attempts tog et this nation dumbed down and unthinking of reality as these chumps use our own dollars to buy up the country and hold assets for themselves and fund ridiculous notions such as this wed channel. The scammers are trying to do for weed media what the expensive food scammers and restaurateurs have already established for themselves on the 900 channel cable monop0olieswith their programming and assets value of programming few actually watch. The shit smelling rapper Snoop Dogg is interested in hosting a program on weed dope somewhere on 420TV and may be a early investor into this concept and few expect this shit channel to expand anywhere beyond its on-line presence. Cable companies say this is a touchy idea and the country and viewership will not tune in or accept pot pushers on their boob tubes no matter how much the globalists and their sons and daughters who love this drug try to get Weed TV next to MSNBC and CNN. Already weed impersonators and other media pot channels are being attempted to turn smoking tv into another foodies category type of easy talk based boring cannabis-based television programming that is cheap to make and deliver on cable and put it out there giving work for producers even though there is nit a demand for all this bullshit programming.

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