Dream money
The three Rick pricks came aboard to their little listened to podcast where they discussed the future of sports writing and how tough of an occupation it is and to break into the field. Rick Morrsiey along with Rick Reilly and Rick Telander have enjoyed a long career of writing about their passion for sports through the years and they had a visionary talk of the future and struggles of the future of this industry where the three of them enjoyed tremendous success and a great living in times of struggle working for free. The dream money these three jokers have made through the years actually makes them giggle their ribs and blush at how easy they have had it and undeserving as well especially when one looks back at the total crap these three write and get published for airing their views which are often dumb and unimportant and just their expressions and thoughts. The three ricks are no more deserving than 11 bucks an hour for their work but in this warped inequality pushing corporate state they make a lot more although much smaller incomes than the actual athletes they often are green like the outfield grass and criticize often in their journalism.
The three Ricks never really worked a job in their lifestyles and all they do is write and spoke of sports and are part of the sports industrial complex that takes earnings and wages from the real workers at companies and industry and then gets redistributed through marketing and sponsorships intot the hands of others supporting their soft occupations and this is a topic that the three Rick pricks didn't dare to venture in their recent broadcast about sports writing.

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