The great Ethiopian victory against European colonialists in 1896 over Italian expansion plans from Somalialand is a great victory and blue print for Amerindian resistance to these same forces that overwhelmed the independence of natives in North America. King Menelick improbable victory over Italians and their Akari African turncoats is the most underappreciated and misunderstood moment of World history and was in actuality the first decolonization. The massive victory by a large and well-disciplined Ethiopian army temporary halted European expansion and would serve as a role model for the struggle of African nations to gain what native Americans have yet achieved and that is complete independence from the White man.

The book called "The Battle Of Adwa" looks at the emerging globalization and how the Italians tried to step into the vacuum of declining Turkish power in the ed sea and take over trade and land in east Africa. Author Raymond Jonas loos at the precipitating events leading up to this climatic victory that pushed the Italian colonial drive into Ethiopian territory in its tracks and despaired Italian people about their brutal and humiliating defeat to what was really a strong and emerging Christian empire of its own on African's East Coast
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