dream money
Barack Obama praised his homeland Africa for averting a civil war and learning to reconcile quickly in the past few years after a disputed election saw Kenyans act like ...well Africans and kill one another in scores. Hussein Obama was pleased to get away form this mess and now ha a dream job of public speak and travel globally as a good globalist president he was and served his masters as a good bird dog. Obama helped use his connections to set up his Aunt and half-sister Auma Obama set up some fake charity and learn the American trade of profit and income through use of it and he spoke many times on his recent trip through Kenya. He again called for people to apply differences and build bridges between peoples and he praise the diversity of the French soccer team while I guess failing to criticize the racial lack of diversity on the Kenyan team. Obama looked aroused at the manly appearance of his half sister and whether he banged her while there is not known but he made stern warnings and predictions of civil wars in countries that do not run the globalist and corporate business line and progressive values that he holds dear to his heart. The dram money opportunities of a Barack Obama has now branched out to his sister and possible second African wife of this clown prince of Bel Air.

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