Bradly Austin
Father Michael Pfleger is an agitator priest on Chicago's South side who gets paid to cause trouble and use the Catholic Chicago hoarding of riches to meddle into the affairs of politics. Chicago police shot a armed thug who like most often the men in the South Shore area of Chicago play by their own rules an d set the standards they with with a bravado of arming guns in ones pants so their skinny weak asses feel tougher and in more in line with their ghetto community.

The police clearly were in the cause shooting and putting to rest this guy who many in the community saying he was nothing but a great guy and father in the community yet he had a deadly weapon in his pants and attempted to use it when police attempted to question him on his bulge in his pants. The liberal far-left likes of Michael Pfleger do not want police to patrol and police their communities and a Father Pflerger would rather have gangs be the police and the likes of Harish Augustus who knew he was not a sworn member of the police and likely used these guns to have on his waistband to smoke enemies or hold up old ladies out on the street and take their purses.

There is no doubt that there will be a major push against this incident by liberals who despite the evidence of this armed buck running and pointing his weapon that liberals and shit heads like Michael Pfleger and Dave Zirin will say this is another example of police killing black men in America. In a few days we will be at the ninety ninth anniversary of the great Chicago race riot and Father Pfleger wishes to have a repeat in late July of 2019. If anything this video is evidence why police need to take extra precaution in the South Side or West side and areas of the country that look like this as blacks and their brains have long been lost to the belief they are always surveillance and that White America should just accept their crimes and murders as part of the legacy of them being slaves in the past. The arrogance and tolerance of their culture and this continuing belief is why blacks will never be accepted nor should be by this society and one less of the likes of Harish Augustus is potentially a good thing and a little bit more safety in the streets as Chicago police did its job and the city should always have stop and frisk for these communities. A heavy surveillance eon the hate and activity going on at St Sabinas church and this radical priest Michael Pflefger also is recommended.

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