JB Pritzker ad Bruce Rauner vow to spend millions and millions to the mainstream local media and are reasons why they are in position for Govoner

  Martin Manziel
 Dream Money
  The mainstream media loves elections between two billionaires and the billions likely to be spent by these two con men willing to redistribute money to the news and television  industry. The amount of television ads bought and put on air between Bruce Rauner and JB Pritzker is both nauseating and annoying and one must wonder what value is brought by the expenditures political parties spending for television and more and more are wondering if this is the whole basis of the political process in this country. Both Briuce Rauner and JB Pritzker have been in a dream money positions and likely they faced pressure to enter politics form these mainstream media giants trusting their ability to raise money form other rich people to spend and ensure the status quo of theplutocrats.
The dream money of television executives and other managers of the media industry could not be guaranteed without the expenditures during political races and having billionaires dominate the political arena and running public office is a goal and avocation by the media giants . Another question of Bruce and JB Boss Hoggs murky financial history and holdings remain a total mystery and the media has failed in bringing about what these two men earn and hoard as the rat bastard billionaires who can purchase their way into the Governors office and be in a position to pay tribute to news outlets during election time.

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