Kino Jimenez fired and looking for a new job at Burger World

Baxter Lomax
   Kino Jimenez bullied some skinny young teens and the big burly beefy bouncer and bartender rin San Antonio has been fired by his bar and this is awesome news. He has also been booted out from the Green Party of Texas as positions for thugs and representation of bad hombres attacking patriotic gringos in San Antonio were not appreciated and perhaps in near by Tijuana a Kino or an Jimenez can get away with threatening and intimidating Yankee and Johnny Reb but this doesn't play well in Peoria or Fort Wayne too well .
Kino was an irresponsible bouncer often bugging women for phone numbers and his bar tending skills were totally lacking as this guy couldn't distinguish between between a coke and  A shit face like this would never even get an interview yet alone a job at He also spent cost so much deniro being lost form this bar Rumble from drinking the profits and many a whiskey bottle disappeared during his tenure there and whether he flung it at customers or drank it is not known at this time. Kino also said many disparaging remarks towards women and gays and in order apparently to hide the fact that he was part gay he would wear t shirts mocking homosexuals.
Kino is a son of a bitch  now looking at jail time and huge fines because his ego was so huge and seeing Trump supporters outside his far-left bubble was something he couldn't  take and obviously if it were someone big and his age it is doubtful there would even be a confrontation as there was at this shit hole Burger World restaurant in North San Antonio

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