Naperville's sickening allowance of tiny ciogarette store shameful act replayed by othe rcommunities throughout the natiin

  I sometimes pass Ogden Avenues little shitty cigarette
stoire and how vilages allow even the tiny of space to be tarnished by a product such as tobacco and vape shops is shamefully embarrsment and a stain on the coujntry. Despite news of increasing American decline of smoking thbese shit bagged mostly foreigner own stores are allowed to operate and do so not base don sales or income but for ways top bring in foreign overseas dolalrs poaying tribute e anf for this space on Amewrica streets and clealry this is what is playing out for this shit store in Naperville, Illinois.  This Drive Thru cigarettesstore serves no purpose aside form advertising itself with infrastructure  and getting th eaddicted smiokers of the country to star thinking about this superfluous product that they addicted to and waste so much wad on and again many of these cigarette shops serve no putrpose aside form being an easy asset for some owner to callb himself a businesman and have readily acces to cheap loans to buy German import cars and lower their tax rates. Altria, the parent ocmpnay of Malboro, stated a huge decline and drop of revenue and sales as Americas willingness to quit this disgusting habit kicks up but despite the sttp decline in smoking rates the doubling of Indo-Pako owned cigarette stores has tripled in thb epast decade and the whoring of our goivernment and business space shows no shame as space is wasted like this shit store. They originally just cornered the market in black and Latino neighborhoods with their ghettos liquor offeringand  high-priced items stores but it appears now thatg illinoius suburbs have given the grren light for more and more of thes esmoke shops an vapor nonsense to breed like rabbits

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